Bara blått och hela universum/ Just blue and the whole universe
Filip hade sagt att han såg 'bara blått' på taket när han blundade. Det var en enkel men spännande tanke!
In the previous lesson the children had come up with so many great ideas for what they wanted to see on the toilet ceiling. The whole universe was represented in their ideas! But now we needed to choose a few of these ideas to work with ´so that it didn´t get too messy´, they so wisely said. Another idea was to come up with something that would pull all these ideas together.
Filip had said that he saw ´just blue´when he thought about the ceiling. It was a sinple but interesting idea that had a lot of potential!
Inför denna lektion tog jag fram fyra bilder på blåa målningar gjorde av tre mycket kända konstnärer
In preparation for this lesson I found seceral artists that had produced paintings that were ´just blue´.
Dessa konstnärer var Yves Klein, Paul Klee, Vincent Van Gogh och sen en Yves Klein till med det fina namnet `Människor börjar att flyga'. Vi pratade lite om att färgen skapar en känsla i bilden samt att en enhetlig färg håller ihop bilderna.
The three artists I chose were Yves Klein, Paul Klee and Vincent Van Gogh, two by Yves Klein where one had the lovely titel ´People start to fly´.
Barnen fick väjla att måla på ena bordet med akrylfärg i cyanblått och vit eller på det andra bordet med olika blåa oljapasteller. Pappret var antingen avlånga eller korta rektangler.
På mycket kort tid fylldes hela tavelkanten med energiska blåa målningar!
The children were given different materials to paint their blue paintings with. Blue oil pastells on one table and acrylic paint on the other, a beautiful cyan blue and white with white saucers as palettes.